Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Pawprint #47: To share or not to share space with Baby

A little human has been living with us for many months now. I am not sure yet what to call the little human, but I keep hearing the word Baby, so I should probably call this little human that. When Baby arrived, the first few months were difficult because Baby's cries were too much for a cat's sense of hearing. When Baby cries loud, Kauni and I had to hide in the farthest  room of the house to give our catselves some peace. Nowadays, Baby's cries are more bearable, so there is no need to look for the most remote corner of our dwelling. However, my territories have been compromised! Since Baby learned crawling, the living room has been Baby's play area. Eventually, Baby is cruising along the sofa, one of the coziest places to have my day naps. I can't be on the floor nor the sofa while Baby is exploring these premises, or else my ears, tail, and fur will have to endure pulls from Baby's hands. My whiskers and other sensors may be functioning well, but I might not be fast enough all the time to avoid Baby's surprises.

Enjoying the cool space while Baby is away napping/sleeping

Kauni, on the other hand, does not mind to be near Baby. I can not understand how can she be so patient with all the pulling, squeaking, squealing, and so on. She loves rubbing her face and body against Baby, and she watches over Baby like a cat mom does to her kitten!

Kauni circling Baby
Kauni napping close to baby

I just can not picture myself in place of Kauni in the pictures above. Maybe someday Baby will be like my mom and dad. By then, I may allow Baby to pet or even carry me.


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